Get coin details

Find information about a specific coin. On Coinranking we use this endpoint on our coin detail page.

Path parameters

uuid StringUUID of the coin you want to request. UUIDs of coins can be found using the Get coins endpoint or by checking the URL on, e.g. is the URL for Bitcoin, and the part before the + (Qwsogvtv82FCd) is the UUID.

Query parameters

Parameter Description
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) String

UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint

Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl

timePeriod (optional) String

Time period where the change and sparkline are based on

Default value: 24h
Allowed values:
1h 3h 12h 24h 7d 30d 3m 1y 3y 5y


Code examples


HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "status": "success", "data": { "coin": { "uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd", "symbol": "BTC", "name": "Bitcoin", "description": "Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency.", "color": "#f7931A", "iconUrl": "", "websiteUrl": "", "links": [ { "name": "Bitcoin", "url": "", "type": "reddit" } ], "supply": { "confirmed": true, "supplyAt": 1640757180, "circulating": "17009275", "total": "17009275", "max": "21000000" }, "24hVolume": "6818750000", "marketCap": "159393904304", "fullyDilutedMarketCap": "196790985529", "price": "9370.9993109108", "btcPrice": "1", "priceAt": 1640757180, "change": "-0.52", "rank": 1, "numberOfMarkets": 9800, "numberOfExchanges": 190, "sparkline": [ "9515.0454185372", "9540.1812284677", "9554.2212643043", "9593.571539283", "9592.8596962985", "9562.5310295967", "9556.7860427046", "9388.823394515", "9335.3004209165", "9329.4331700521", "9370.9993109108" ], "allTimeHigh": { "price": "19500.471361532", "timestamp": 1513555200 }, "coinrankingUrl": "", "lowVolume": false, "listedAt": 1483228800, "notices": [ { "type": "MESSAGE", "value": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" } ], "contractAddresses": [], "tags": [ "staking", "layer-1" ] } } }

Response fields

Property Description
status String

Status of the request

Allowed values:
data Object
data.coin Object
data.coin.uuid String

UUID of the coin

data.coin.symbol String

Currency symbol String

Name of the coin

data.coin.description String

Small description of the coin

data.coin.color String

Main HEX color of the coin

data.coin.iconUrl String
data.coin.websiteUrl String

URL of the primary website

data.coin.links Object[]

List of links, like social media pages String

Name of the link

data.coin.links.url String

Url to the specific link

data.coin.links.type String

The type of link

Allowed values:
website bitcointalk explorer discord facebook github instagram line-messenger linkedin medium qq quora reddit sina-weibo telegram tiktok twitter vkontakte wechat whitepaper youtube etc. Object Boolean

Coins without a confirmed supply are ranked below coins with a confirmed supply. Read about our methodology. Number/null

Epoch timestamp of when the supply was synchronized. If the supply was never synchronized or the supply is manually updated the API will return null. String

Number of coins that are in existence String

Number of coins that are circulating in the public market String

Maximum amount the coin's supply can ever be.

data.coin.marketCap String

Market capitalization. Price times circulating supply

data.coin.fullyDilutedMarketCap String

Market capitalization. Price times circulating supply Full Market capitalization. Fully diluted market cap is a coin's price multiplied by its max supply. Or total supply if the max supply is not known. It shows what the market cap could be if all coins were in circulation, with the current price.

data.coin.price String

Price of the coin

data.coin.btcPrice String

Price of the coin expressed in Bitcoin

data.coin.priceAt Number/null

Epoch timestamp of when the price was calculated.

data.coin.24hVolume String

24h trade volume

data.coin.change String

Percentage of change over the given time period

data.coin.rank Number

The position in the ranks

data.coin.numberOfMarkets Number

The number of markets that contain the this coin

data.coin.numberOfExchanges Number

The number of exchanges that trade this coin

data.coin.sparkline String

Array of prices based on the time period parameter, useful for a sparkline

data.coin.allTimeHigh Object
data.coin.allTimeHigh.price String

The highest price that the coin has reached

data.coin.allTimeHigh.timestamp Number

An Epoch timestamp in seconds when the coin reached its highest price.

data.coin.coinrankingUrl String

Where to find the coin on

data.coin.lowVolume Boolean

If the coin is not much traded on listed exchanges it is marked as having a low volume. The threshold is currently set at the equivalent of 500.000 US Dollar in 24 hours

data.coin.listedAt Number/null

Epoch timestamp of when we started listing the coin.

data.coin.notices Object[]

List of notices, which signal some important information about the coin. The notices are in JSON format, and in most cases consist of a "type" property with an important keyword such as "WARNING", and a more human readable message in a "value" property.

data.coin.contractAddresses Object[]

List of contract addresses for this coin. The format is blockchain/contractAddress. A single coin can be minted on multiple blockchains. For example, Tether (USDT) is available on Ethereum (ethereum/0xda...) , Bitcoin Cash (bitcoin-cash/9fc...) and seven other blockchains.

data.coin.tags Object[]

List of tags, like "Staking" or "Meme"

Error response

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found { "status": "fail", "type": "COIN_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Coin not found" }

Error responses