Coinranking API Documentation

This simple documentation shows you how to get a list of coins, crypto prices and much more crypto market data. Explore all endpoints and learn how to add them to your website or app.

Base url:

Getting started

Follow the next steps to get started with Coinranking API. Happy building!

1. Create an account

To get started with Coinranking API, you first need to create an account. Sign up for free with your name and email address.

2. Your dashboard

After signing up you will directly get access to your own dashboard.

Here you find your API key and your current subscription plan, which is by default the free one.

The dashboard also contains:

  • Your monthly API usage and how much requests you have left
  • Account information
  • Billing details

3. Your API key

On the overview page of your dashboard, you’ll find your API key. This key is your unique identifier allowing you to make API calls.

Go to authentication to read how to start using your API key.

4. Authentication

The Coinranking API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can only do a very limited amount of requests without authenticating. Read on to learn more about our rate-limits.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will redirect to HTTPS.


curl \ -H x-access-token: 53a0b0a7e4f2fa59519e4

5. Get data from endpoints

Well done, you set up your authentication! Let's get some data from an endpoint. You could start by getting data about Bitcoin.

For example, try this request in Javascript to fetch the latest data for Bitcoin:

const options = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', // 'x-access-token': 'your-access-token-here', }, }; fetch('', options) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((result) => console.log(result));

Need help?

Check out the FAQ or visit our Community. Or try our API first using the Playground.