Get tag details

Find information about a specific tag. On Coinranking, we use this data on our coin categories page.

Path parameters

slug slug

Slug of the tag you want to request. Consult the tags endpoint for possible slug values.

Query parameters

Parameter Description
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) String

UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), the price of the reference currency is used in all the values that represent a price, e.g. 24hVolume and marketCap. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint

Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl

timePeriod (optional) String

Time period where the change and sparkline are based on

Default value: 24h
Allowed values:
1h 3h 12h 24h 7d 30d 3m 1y 3y 5y


Code examples


HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "status": "success", "data": { "tag": [ { "slug": "defi", "shortname": "DeFi", "name": "DeFi coins", "description": "DeFi is a new way to do finance without banks. You can trade assets with others online, with low fees and high interest.", "iconUrl": "", "hasContent": true, "numberOfCoins": 1112, "24hVolume": "5325976225.8202715", "volumeShare": "6.37", "marketCap": "86905953192.16096", "marketCapChange": "1.55", "marketCapShare": "2.72", "topCurrencySymbol": "LINK", "topCurrencyMarketCap": "11451177789.44087", "topCurrencyDominance": "13.18", "coinrankingUrl": "" } } }

Response fields

Property Description
status String

Status of the request

Allowed values:
data Object
data.tag Object

A tag object. Read more about what a tag is in the introduction.

data.tag.slug String

Slug identifier for the tag. This is a short url-friendly name, so for example the tag with the name "Layer-2 coins" has layer-2 as slug. These slugs can also be used as a filter in the coins endpoint (Look for the tags query parameter).

data.tag.shortname String

As the name implies, it is a shorter version of the name. It mostly omits the tokens or coins part of the name, so instead of the "Layer-2 coins" you get just "Layer-2". In contrast to the slug, these short names are not url-friendly perse and cannot be used for filtering. String

Full name of the tag. It is the name we use on our categories page.

data.tag.description String

A short description in one or two sentences of what this tag is about. We use it on our category pages, see for example our DeFi coins page.

data.tag.iconUrl String

URL of the tag's icon. Every tag has it's own icon, and you can find it through this url. The images might change over time.

data.tag.hasContent Boolean

Indicates if the tag has any coins associated with it. This should be the case in almost all cases, but new categories can be made before there are any coins related to them.

data.tag.numberOfCoins Number

Number of coins associated with the tag. Should you use the filter on the coins endpoint to get the coins related to a specific tag, numberOfCoins is the amount of coins that you can expect to get back (with pagination, that is).

data.tag.24hVolume String

The aggregated 24-hour trading volume for all coins that are associated to this tag.

data.tag.volumeShare String

Share of the total trading volume. Meaning, the percentage the aggregated 24 hour volume (see the previous property) compared to the 24 hour volume of all coins listed on Coinranking.

data.tag.marketCap String

Market capitalization for coins associated to the tag. In other words, the aggregated market cap for every coin that is related to this tag. Market cap itself is a product of the amount of coins in circulation, multiplied by the value of each of these coins.

data.tag.marketCapChange String

Percentage change in market capitalization. The previous property (marketCap) represents how much the market cap for all coins with a specific tag is. This value compares the current market cap for a tag to the same one 24 hours ago.

data.tag.marketCapShare String

Share of the total market capitalization. Meaning, the percentage the aggregated market cap (see the previous property) compared to market cap of all coins listed on Coinranking.

data.tag.topCurrencySymbol String

Symbol of the top currency within the tag. The top currency being the coin with the highest market cap. A requirement is that this coin has to be a tier 1 coin.. If there is no tier 1 coin available, this value is null.

data.tag.topCurrencyMarketCap String

Market capitalization of the top currency. See topCurrencySymbol. Can be null

data.tag.topCurrencyDominance String

How dominant the top coin is compared to all the other coins with this tag, as a percentage. See topCurrencySymbol. Can be null.

data.tag.coinrankingUrl String

URL to the Coinranking page for the tag.

Error response

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity { "status": "fail", "type": "REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE", "message": "Reference currency not available" }

Error responses