Get OHLCV (Open High Low Close Volume) data for the coin throughout time.
Parameter | Description |
uuid String | UUID of the coin you want to request the OHLCV data for. |
Parameter | Description |
interval (optional) String |
The interval determines the time period over which each OHLC item is determined. Default value: dayAllowed values: minute 5minutes hour 8hours day week month Example:
limit (optional) Number |
Limit. Limit the amount of time periods for which the OHLCV data is retrieved. For example, when interval=hour and limit is 10, data will be returned for the last 10 hours. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50Size range: 0-5000 Example:
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) String |
UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDlExample:
jsonHTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"ohlc": [
"startingAt": 1733011200,
"endingAt": 1735689600,
"open": "96447.1775503152",
"high": "108201.88415847138",
"low": "91546.14889956331",
"close": "92757.25601337428",
"avg": "98498.05461116068",
"24hVolume": "46442676990.360725",
"intervalVolume": "2002368626068.8618"
"startingAt": 1730419200,
"endingAt": 1733011200,
"open": "70322.96990325804",
"high": "99588.89995964085",
"low": "66922.19464691161",
"close": "96449.1102387863",
"avg": "86276.37524878597",
"24hVolume": "38017759048.21358",
"intervalVolume": "3928981914099.0195"
Property | Description |
status String | Status of the request Allowed values:success |
data Object | |
data.ohlc Object[] | List of OHLC items |
data.ohlc.startingAt Number | An Epoch timestamp in seconds marking the start of the time period on which the OHLC values are based. | String/null | Opening price of the coin for the time period |
data.ohlc.high String/null | Highest price of the coin during the time period |
data.ohlc.low String/null | Lowest price of the coin during the time period |
data.ohlc.close String/null | Closing price of the coin for the time period |
data.ohlc.avg String/null | Average price of the coin over the time period |
data.ohlc.24hVolume String/null | Total 24h volume of the coin in the reference currency |
data.ohlc.intervalVolume String/null | Total volume of the coin for the specified time interval in the reference currency. This field is only applicable for intervals of week and month; otherwise, it will be |
jsonHTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"status": "fail",
"type": "COIN_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Coin not found"