Get a list of markets. Markets are ranked by their volume over the last 24 hours. Use our filters to get a subset of the markets.
On Coinranking, we use this endpoint on our market ranking page.
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) String |
UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDlExample:
limit (optional) Number |
Limit. Used for pagination. Only usable when no filters are applied Default value: 50Size range: 0-5000 Example:
offset (optional) Number |
Offset. Used for pagination only usable when no filters are applied Default value: 0Example:
orderBy (optional) String |
Sort by either 24h volume or price. Only usable when no filters are applied Default value: 24hVolumeAllowed values: 24hVolume price Example:
orderDirection (optional) String |
Sort in ascending or descending order. Only usable when no filters are applied. Default value: descAllowed values: desc asc Example:
search (optional) String |
Filter the results by searching for coin names, symbols or exchange names. Example:
jsonHTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"stats": {
"24hVolume": "6554685985.623574",
"total": 27521
"markets": [
"uuid": "xk9M2LuHuID5",
"base": {
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC"
"quote": {
"uuid": "yhjMzLPhuIDl",
"symbol": "USD"
"exchange": {
"name": "Binance",
"uuid": "-zdvbieRdZ",
"iconUrl": ""
"24hVolume": "771875964.9750752",
"price": "3842.9444791178726",
"btcPrice": "1",
"rank": 1,
"marketShare": "30.48",
"recommended": true,
"filters": []
"uuid": "bn7nTLHHuIq2",
"base": {
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC"
"quote": {
"uuid": "HIVsRcGKkPFtW",
"symbol": "USDT"
"exchange": {
"name": "Coinbase Pro",
"uuid": "qn5ZJmPFP",
"iconUrl": ""
"24hVolume": "311344830.86823833",
"price": "3869.146354559396",
"btcPrice": "1",
"rank": 2,
"marketShare": "12.35",
"recommended": true,
"filters": []
Property | Description |
status String | Status of the request Allowed values:success |
data Object | |
data.stats Object | |
data.stats.24hVolume String | Total 24h volume of markets in the reference currency | Number | Total number of markets | Object[] | List of markets | String | UUID of the market | String | The coin on the left side of the pair, which price is calculated in units of the quote | String | UUID of the baseCurrency of the market | String | Symbol of the baseCurrency of the market | String | The coin on the right side of the pair. The amount in tickers are how much quote you get for one unit of base. E.g. BTC/USD 10.000 means 1 BTC is traded for 10.000 USD. | String | UUID of the quoteCurrency of the market | String | Symbol of the quoteCurrency of the market | String | Exchange this market belongs to | String | Name of the exchange | String | UUID of the exchange | String | Location of the icon | String | The 24 hour volume of the base currency in the reference currency which defaults to US Dollar. For example in an ETH/BTC market the volume would be Ethereum in US Dollar. | String | The latest price of the base currency in the reference currency which defaults to US Dollar. For example in an ETH/BTC market the price would be Ethereum in US Dollar. | String | The latest price of the base currency in Bitcoin. | Number | Rank of the market based on volume, taking into account exchange and currency filters | String | Percentage of the total market volume reprented by this market, taking into account exchange and currency filters | Boolean | Whether the market is recommended based on the exchange it belongs to, see | String[] | An array of filters that are applied to the market. Most of the filters will cause the market to not be included in the price calculation of the coins. Allowed values:PREV_FACTOR EXTERNAL_ZSCORE GEO OUTSIDE_TOP_20 |
jsonHTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency not available"