Get coin blockchains

professional This endpoint requires the professional plan or higher

Get the blockchains on which the coin is issued. Most of the time this is only one blockchain, but some coins are issued on multiple blockchains. We call the relation of a coin to a blockchain the issuance blockchain.

Path parameters

uuid StringUUID of the coin you want to request the blockchains for.

Query parameters

Parameter Description
limit (optional) Number

Limit. Used for pagination.

Default value: 50
Size range: 0-100

offset (optional) Number

Offset. Used for pagination.

Default value: 0


Code examples


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   "status": "success",
   "data": {
     "total": 1,
     "issuanceBlockchains": [
         "name": "Ethereum",
         "referenceName": "Ethereum contract address",
         "reference": "0x7d1afa7b718fb893db30a3abc0cfc608aacfebb0"
         "blockExplorerUrl": ""

Response fields

status String

Status of the request

Allowed values:
data Object Number

Total number of issuance blockchains for the coin.

data.issuanceBlockchains Object[] String

Name of the blockchain.

data.issuanceBlockchains.referenceName String/null

Blockchain specific coin reference name. For instance, 'Ethereum contract address' for a coin's reference on the Ethereum blockchain.

data.issuanceBlockchains.reference String/null

Reference address of the coin on the blockchain. Null means it is the blockchain's native coin. For example this is the smart contract address of a coin if it is issued on the Ethereum blockchain and the asset code if the coin is issued on the Stellar blockchain.

data.issuanceBlockchains.blockExplorerUrl String/null

The supplies are fetched from third parties, called block explorers. The url links to the website of the block explorer, and if possible to the specific token.

Error response

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
  "status": "fail",
  "messages": [
    "Limit can only be between 1 and 100."

Error responses