
Coins are all the cryptocurrencies listed with us, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, and thousands more. Do you miss a particular coin you’d like to see in the API? Submit it via our listing form and we’ll add it within two working days.


  • List of coins
    If you need to fetch multiple coins, this is the endpoint you need. It provides the most crucial data of coins in a handy filterable list.
  • Coin details
    When you need data about a specific coin, you need our coin details endpoint. This provides more specific data then the list endpoint, such as links to socials and supply information.
  • Coin price
    Simple endpoint, to fetch a single price point for a coin. You can specify a timestamp to get the price for some earlier date.
  • Coin price history
    Gets you a series of pricepoints going back in time a day, a year or some other period of time. We use this enpdoint ourselves for the charts on
  • Coin OHLCV
    Similar to coin price history, but with OHLCV (Open High Low Close Volume) data, which is often used to make candlestick charts.
  • Coin exchanges listings
    Returns a list of exchanges for a specific coin. Meaning that if you want to know what exchanges a coin is being traded on, this endpoint helps you out.
  • Coin market listings
    Similar to coin exchange listings, but a level deeper; you can find what markets a coin is trade on.
  • Coin blockchains
    DEPRECATED: this endpoint is meant to find the blockchain or blockchains a coin is minted on.
  • Coin supply modifiers
    The market cap for a coin is calculated by the price of a single unit (e.g. 1 BTC) multiplied by the "circulating supply". The circulating part of the supply is the amount of coins that are not only minted, but also in circulation (not locked up in some wallet accessible to noone). The wallets accessible to noone are what we call supply modifiers, and their balances are subtracted from the total supply.
  • Coin market cap history
    The market cap for every coin fluctuates throughout time by differing supply and price values. You can find the history in this endpoint.
  • Coin rank history
    How a coin ranked throughout time.
  • Coin supply history
    The supply for a coin rises when new coins are mined, and decreases when they are burned or otherwise rendered useless (this last part only counts for circulating supply, not total). You can track the history of a coins supply amount with this enpdoint.
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